Hill Press

Editorial and

Publishing Support Services

We offer a range of editorial and publishing support services to empower independent authors to write, self-publish, and market professional-quality books. These clients retain their publishing rights.

Start Here

Creating and launching a polished, attractive, professional-quality book requires numerous steps. We offer à la carte editorial and publishing consulting services, as well as design referrals.

Our Ebook:
Untangling the Self-Publishing Process

To confidently begin your self-publishing journey, we recommend you first read our ebook, Untangling the Self-Publishing Process: A Practical Guide to Creating and Marketing a Professional-Quality Book, by Julia Soplop, which is available for digital download. It aims to provide one resource that answers your process questions on how to self-publish your book.

Editorial Services

Throughout your writing and publishing process, you’ll likely need several types and rounds of editing. We can help you select the editing options from which your manuscript would most benefit. We edit both fiction and nonfiction manuscripts. We do not edit poetry. Each service includes an optional 30-minute follow-up phone consultation with your editor upon return of your manuscript to address your questions. Click here to get the conversation started.

Developmental Editing

You’ve completed a partial or full draft of your manuscript. Congratulations! Now it’s time for developmental editing, which tackles the big picture: organization, structure, plot, pacing, and character development. Our high-level suggestions can help to focus your rewrites to transform your draft into a finished book.
Starting at $.05/word


Once you’ve updated your manuscript based on line editing suggestions and you feel the content of your manuscript is complete, it’s copyediting time. Any major round of editing likely introduces new errors, so copyediting is essential. This type of editing focuses exclusively on identifying and fixing mechanical issues, such as grammatical, spelling, usage, and punctuation errors.
Starting at $.03/word

Line Editing

Once the bones of your manuscript are in place following developmental revisions, you’re ready for line editing. Line editing focuses on how the manuscript flows by examining sentence- and paragraph-level structural issues, word choice, and grammatical and spelling errors. Line editing also looks for inconsistencies in writing style and plot.
Starting at $.04/word


Yes, you still need proofreading after copyediting. Proofreading is examining a manuscript word by word in search of typos. It takes a meticulous eye. Proofreading should happen before a manuscript goes to layout and again after layout is complete, because the design process can introduce new typos and spacing issues. Proofreading should follow any additional rounds of changes.
Starting at $.02/word

 Publishing Consulting Services

Need personalized assistance navigating the self-publishing and book launch process? We offer phone consultations starting at $100/hour. (We do not offer technical assistance for specific publishing platforms.)
Fill out this form to inquire about our services.